RSU: Draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 29 April 2016
1. Auditor’s findings regarding the financial statements and annual report.
2. The Audit Committee report.
Draft resolution:
To endorse the report of the Audit Committee.
3. The Company’s consolidated annual report for the year 2015.
Debriefed with the consolidated annual report for the year 2015 of Rokiskio suris AB which is prepared by the Company’s management, assessed by the Auditor’s and approved by the Board of Directors.
4. Approval of the consolidated and company’s financial accounting for the year 2015.
Draft resolution:
To approve the audited consolidated and company’s financial reports for the year 2015.
5. Allocation of the profit (loss) of the Company of 2015.
The Company‘s Board of Directors has not accepted a resolution regarding distribution of profit (loss).
6. Election of the Company’s auditor and establishment of payment conditions.
Draft resolution :
To elect an audit company UAB PricewaterhouseCoopers to perform an audit of annual consolidated financial statements and evaluation of the annual report of the Group of AB Rokiskio suris and the Parent Company. Remuneration for the audit shall be identified by the Board of Directors. The Company’s manager is authorized to sign an agreement with the audit company.