OREANDA-NEWS. March 23, 2016. “Latvijas balzams” JSC announces that information was received from  “Amber Beverage Group” LLC about the results of  “Latvijas balzams” JSC voluntary repurchase of shares.

The information below allows concluding that the proposed repurchase offer of shares, which was valid until 16 March 2016, has expired as the condition of the repurchase offer was not met – the number of shares offered for repurchase did not reach 3 % of the total number of shares.

Announcement text of “Amber Beverage Group” LLC:

1. Target company
Joint Stock Company “Latvijas balzams”, entered into the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia on 19 June 2004 with registration number 40003031873, registered office: 160 Aleksandra ?aka Street, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia, phone number: +371 67081213, fax number: +371 67828071, e-mail address: office@lb.lv, web address: www.lb.lv (hereinafter “Target Company”).
2. Offeror
Limited Liability Company “AMBER BEVERAGE GROUP”, entered into the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia on 24 October 2014 with registration number 40103839550, registered office: 160 Aleksandra ?aka Street, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia, e-mail address: office@amberbev.com, web address: www.amberbev.com (hereinafter “Offeror”), who has in total and directly obtained voting rights arising of 6 746 460 Target Company's name and bearer shares (hereinafter “Shares”), which make up 89.99 % of the Target Company's share capital and the number of shares with voting rights.
3. Number of shares offered for purchase
202 848 Target Company's Shares or 2.71 % of the total number of the Target Company's Shares were offered for purchase.
4. Number of Shares that remain in the possession of the offeror after the execution of the repurchase offer of shares
Considering that the Target Company's shareholders have jointly accepted an Offer with respect to a number of Shares not reaching 224 907 (3 %) Shares, the Offer has expired, therefore the number of Shares in the possession of the Offeror has not changed – the Offeror has in total and directly obtained voting rights arising of 6 746 460 Target Company's name and bearer shares, which make up 89.99 % of the Target Company's share capital and the number of shares with voting rights.