Rostov NPP Gets Started The Milestone of Unit 4 Construction
OREANDA-NEWS. Construction works have been launched on all the key facilities of the Unit 4 start-up complex.
«The construction job is now coming into the peak period, - comments Vitaly Medyakov - Vice-President of Russian Projects. – Alongside with that, construction, installation and precommissioning works are in progress. It is just the period, over which a number of major events are planned, and the main one among them is reactor piping flushing».
Active works on turbine mounting are being carried out in the turbine hall of the power unit, and operations on foundation of the open-air installation of transformers are at the completion stage.
In the reactor compartment welding of the main coolant pipeline circulating pipeline (MCP) is still going on. In the meantime with the welding the step-by-step inspection - visual, measuring, radiographic, capillary and ultrasonic - is running on.
«The start of MCP welding, in fact, is an onset of preparation for reactor piping flushing, - says Alexey Kononenko - Director of Rostov NPP Construction. - By now, 4 pipe joints from 28 have been already welded and other 6 more are in process. At the same time with welding of MCP the works on precommissioning of equipment to be used in reactor piping flushing are under way. In the short run the mounting of fuel-handling machine will start».
As near as weekly the project site is supplied with equipment, which, at once, undergoes incoming inspection. Further, according to the construction schedule, the equipment will be hauled to the mounting site.
«The terms of the power unit readiness for reactor piping flushing operations are in direct dependence from equipment supplies, as well as, eventually, the power unit readiness - for start-up planned for 2017», - Andrey Salnikov - Director of Rostov NPP underlines.
Up to date the personnel of the project site amounts to about four thousand and soon the number will increase by 500 employees more.
The Group of Companies ASE has been established within formation of engineering division of Rosatom State Corporation by merging of leading companies of the industry: JSC NIAEP, JSC ASE, JSC Atomenergoproekt and JSC Atomproekt.
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There are representative and operational offices of ASE are active in 15 countries of the world, nearly 80% of the company's orders refer to overseas projects.
Furthermore, the company carries out the projects of construction of radioactive waste (RAW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF) handling facilities, heat power engineering projects, and renders the complete range of EPC, EPC (M) and PMC services for any complex engineering facilities. The Company is the developer of the innovative management system for complex construction projects - Multi-D - and actively promotes the product; the Multi-D innovative management system enables to manage more effectively such parameters as budget, deadlines and quality. Valery Limarenko, Doctor of Economics, President of the Company.