Hungarian intra-day power trading starts this week
OREANDA-NEWS. Intra-day trading on the Hungarian Hupx power exchange should launch on 9 March.
Hupx will offer intra-day trading on 9 March for delivery on 10 March, pushed back from a previous plan to start on 11 February. The exchange prolonged testing to ensure delivery of "a trading system that is equipped with additional functions to satisfy the requirements of market participants", it said.
Trading will open at 15:45 CET (14:45 GMT) for power delivering the following day, offering 15-minute contracts as well as hourly block products.
Minimum and maximum prices are set at minus €9,999/MWh ($10,999/MWh) and €9,999/MWh, with the minimum tradeable amount at 100kW. Gate closure is 120 minutes before delivery of a product.