OREANDA-NEWS. In February 2016 AS Tallink Grupp transported 632 653 passengers which is nearly a 4% increase compared to February 2015. The number of cargo units increased by 8% to 25 616 units and the number of passenger vehicles increased by almost 6% to 69 488 units in the same comparison.

AS Tallink Grupp passenger, cargo unit and passenger vehicles numbers for February were the following:

  February 2016 February 2015 change
Passengers 632 653 610 785 3.6%
Finland-Sweden 200 918 215 943 -7.0%
Estonia-Finland 323 871 306 878 5.5%
Estonia-Sweden 71 044 58 440 21.6%
Latvia-Sweden 36 820 29 524 24.7%
Cargo Units 25 616 23 740 7.9%
Finland-Sweden 5 908 5 173 14.2%
Estonia-Finland 15 564 15 094 3.1%
Estonia-Sweden 3 423 2 809 21.9%
Latvia-Sweden 721 664 8.6%
Passenger Vehicles 69 488 65 750 5.7%
Finland-Sweden 6 427 5 976 7.5%
Estonia-Finland 55 548 52 338 6.1%
Estonia-Sweden 4 378 3 782 15.8%
Latvia-Sweden 3 135 3 654 -14.2%

The following operational factors influenced the development in February 2016:

The cruise ferry Baltic Princess did not operate for 4 days due to technical problems.

The fast ferry Star did not operate for 3 days due to scheduled maintenance.