Indian Railways for 100 per cent transparency in all its Operations
The Railway Minister said, with a view to ensuring empowerment at functional level, he had delegated to the Zonal Railways all tender and estimate related powers. As a result of the decision, Indian Railways were able to ensure that the projects get sanctioned within a period of 6-8 months, a process, which earlier, used to take more than 2 years. He said, with more delegation comes greater accountability and to establish this new culture, key result areas (KRAs) have been defined for General Managers and Divisional Railway Managers. These areas clearly articulate the metrics on which the officials would be evaluated, ensuring objectivity in assessment of performance and mid-term course corrections. The Minister said, MoUs have been signed with some Zonal Railways, where quantifiable targets on performance parameters were clearly laid out. This ensured resounding commitment from these Railways in meeting their targets. He said, it will be done for all zones next year.
The Minister said, the Railways has also revamped its internal audit systems with a view to bringing in efficiency in working practices. Specialized teams have been mandated to screen Railway operations in specific areas, to detect inefficiencies and prevent wastages. All Zonal Railways have been asked to prepare two such reports in the current year. Specialized training courses on IT-based internal audit mechanism have also been initiated to give professional teeth to the internal audit teams.