OREANDA-NEWS. February 29, 2016. American
Midstream Partners, LP (NYSE: AMID) (“the Partnership”) announced
today that American Midstream (Alabama Intrastate), LLC (“Magnolia
Intrastate”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Partnership, is
commencing a non-binding open season for a proposed 45-mile extension of
the Magnolia Intrastate pipeline (“Magnolia Extension”) to transport up
to 500,000 dekatherms per day of natural gas for delivery to a major
interstate pipeline beginning in 2019. The non-binding open season will
commence on February 22, 2016 and terminate at 6:00pm CT on April 11,
The proposed Magnolia Extension would connect the existing Magnolia
Intrastate pipeline to Tennessee Natural Gas Pipeline’s 500 Line,
providing transport of natural gas under 20-year, firm transport
agreements to Williams’ Transco pipeline through an existing
interconnect. The proposed pipeline is intended to offer supply
diversity to growing demand areas in the Southeast market, and
specifically, address infrastructure constraints associated with the
rapid development of natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica Shale
formations in the Appalachian Basin. The anticipated in-service date for
the Magnolia Extension is 2019.
Upon the close of the open season, American Midstream will evaluate
service demand to determine if the proposed pipeline is economically
viable and whether necessary facilities can be constructed by the
proposed in-service date.
Open Season Timing and Procedures
The non-binding open season will commence February 22, 2016 and
terminate at 6:00pm CT on April 11, 2016. Requests for capacity must be
for a minimum initial contract term of 20 years from the date of first
delivery. Prospective customers are required to submit a completed
Service Request form by 6:00pm CTApril 11, 2016 which can be found on
the Magnolia
Extension project site.
Prospective customers may also download a Service Request form here.