Qatari Investors Group suspended from trading
On 18/01/2016 and through a notification sent to the QFMA and QSE, the QIG has disclosed a lawsuit filed against the company.However, it did not notify the QFMA and the QSE of the verdict issued in this case during the court session dated 28/01/2016, which provides for the invalidity of the company’s EGM dated 01/03/2015, the resolutions issued during this EGM, and the consequences of such resolutions. To date, the QIGD has not disclosed the verdict through notifying the QFMA and QSE thereof, despite a request that has been made to the company thereon by the QFMA and QSE.
The QIGD had submitted a request to the QFMA on 23/02/2016 to halt trading on its shares in relation with the transition of the company from a public-holding company into a private-holding company.