Salam International discloses its financial statements for the year 2015 with AGM and EGM on 5/4/2016
- General Assembly
The BOD decided to call the General Assembly of the Company for annual ordinary & extra ordinary meeting to take place on 05/04/2016.
- Financial Results for 2015 and Auditor’s Report:
The BOD approved the consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31/12/2015 and Auditors Report, and recommends the General Assembly to ratify it.
The audited financial statements for 2015 showed a net profit of QR 123.9 million where the profit attributable to shareholders amounted to approximately QR 113.2 million. This compares to the profit attributable to shareholders in 2014 amounting to QR 78.3 million. Consequently; the earnings per share for the year 2015 is around QR 0.99 compared to QR 0.68 for 2014.
- Dividend Distribution for 2015:
The BOD recommend the General Assembly in its next meeting to approve the distribution of cash dividends of 10% of the company’s paid up capital, which equates to QR 1 per share. The beneficiaries are shareholders registered on the day of the General Assembly, which will approve both the financial statements for 2015 and proposed distribution of dividends.
- The 6th Annual Corporate Governance Report (2015):
The BOD discussed the sixth annual corporate governance report (2015) and decided to present it to the General Assembly for review.
- Amendment of Bylaw:
The BOD adopted the newly amended Bylaw, so as to comply with the provisions of the Commercial Companies Law No.11 of 2015, corporate governance code issued by the Qatar Financial Markets Authority and recommends that the General Assembly approves this amendment in its next meeting.