"Nizhnekamskshina" Is a Leader of the Environmental Activities
OREANDA-NEWS. "Nizhnekamskshina" factory of the PJSC TATNEFT’s Petrochemical Complex became the winner of the XIth All-Russian contest “Environmental Protection Leader of Russia 2015”.
The JSC "Nizhnekamskshina" obtaining a prestigious award confirms the status of the environmentally responsible enterprise and is the public recognition evidence of the "Nizhnekamskshina" achievements in the area of environmental protection and creation of safe production conditions.
The ecological contest is annually held in Russia following the initiative of the International Forum "World Experience and Russian Economy". Among others the contest’s objectives include encouragement of industrial enterprises for systematic work contributing to the sustainable development of the Russian economy, as well as improving public health and environmental safety. The contest’s jury included the representatives of federal ministries, dedicated committees of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Russian Federation, heads of public organizations, well known scientists and university rectors.
Nowadays, PJSC "Nizhnekamskshina" is the largest tire manufacturer in Russia and the most modern and environmentally friendly enterprise of the industry sector. Protection of the environment and the personnel’s health are given priority here. The environmental activities of the Company also provide for rational utilization of natural resources, raw materials, reduction of production waste generation and disposal, ensuring environmental safety in accordance with the requirements of the Russian legislation.
"Nizhnekamskshina" factory was the first among the tire manufacturing companies to certify the own system of environmental management in the international certification network. The environmental management system of PJSC "Nizhnekamskshina" meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 14001:2007 (ISO 14001:2004) and the international IQNet certificate.
The achievements of PJSC "Nizhnekamskshina" in the area of environmental protection have more than once been distinguished at prestigious All-Russian review contests.