OREANDA-NEWS. Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 7 (1725) of 27 January 2016 has been released.

The Section Credit Institutions publishes the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. OD-107, dated 18 January 2016, on terminating the activity of the provisional administration of the credit institution JSC Greenfieldbank (the city of Moscow);

No. OD-108, dated 18 January 2016, on terminating the activity of the provisional administration of the credit institution LLC CB RBS (the city of Moscow);

No. OD-109, dated 18 January 2016, on terminating the activity of the provisional administration of the credit institution LLC LENOBLBANK (the city of Vsevolozhsk, the Leningrad Region);

No. OD-110, dated 18 January 2016, on terminating the activity of the provisional administration of the credit institution LLC CB Profit Bank (the city of Moscow);

No. OD-111, dated 18 January 2016, on terminating the activity of the provisional administration of the credit institution PJSC AGROINCOMBANK (the city of Astrakhan);

No. OD-112, dated 18 January 2016, on amending Annex I to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3589, dated 14 December 2015;

No. OD-113, dated 18 January 2016, on amending Annex 1 to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3658, dated 18 December 2015;

No. OD-114, dated 18 January 2016, on amending Annex I to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3096, dated 10 November 2015;

No. OD-115, dated 18 January 2016, on amending the Annex to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3183, dated 16 November 2015;

No. OD-116, dated 18 January 2016, on amending the Annex to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3593, dated 14 December 2015;

No. OD-117 dated 18 January 2016, on amending Annex I to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-2406, dated 11 September 2015;

No. OD-118, dated 18 January 2016, on amending Annex I to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-2659, dated 6 October 2015;

No. OD-137, dated 21 January 2016, on revocation of the banking licence of the credit institution JSC Miraf-Bank (the city of Omsk);

No. OD-138, dated 21 January 2016, on appointing the provisional administration of the credit institution JSC Miraf-Bank (the city of Omsk) following revocation of its banking licence;

No. OD-139, dated 21 January 2016, on revocation of the banking licence of the credit institution JSC JSCB Turbobank (the city of Saint-Petersburg);

No. OD-140, dated 21 January 2016, on appointing the provisional administration of the credit institution JSC JSCB Turbobank (the city of Saint-Petersburg) following revocation of its banking licence;

No. OD-141, dated 21 January 2016, on revocation of the banking licence of the credit institution LLC Vneshprombank (the city of Moscow);

No. OD-142, dated 21 January 2016, on amending functions and term of office of the provisional administration of the credit institution LLC Vneshprombank (the city of Moscow);

No. OD-143, dated 21 January 2016, on terminating a moratorium to satisfy claims of the creditors of the credit institution LLC Vneshprombank (the city of Moscow) following revocation of its banking licence;

No. OD-185, dated 22 January 2016, on amending the Annex to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3591, dated 14 December 2015;

No. OD-186, dated 22 January 2016, on amending the Annex to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3183, dated 16 November 2015;

No. OD-188, dated 22 January 2016, on amending Annex I to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3658, dated 18 December 2015;

No. OD-189, dated 22 January 2016, on terminating the activity of the provisional administration of the credit institution CB MRB (LLC) (the city of Moscow);

No. OD-190, dated 22 January 2016, on amending Annex I to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3589, dated 14 December 2015;

No. OD-191, dated 22 January 2016, on amending Annex I to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-2663, dated 6 October 2015;

No. OD-192, dated 22 January 2016, on amending Annex I to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-3096, dated 10 November 2015.

The Section Non-credit financial institutions publishes the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. OD-151, dated 21 January 2016, on terminating the activity of the provisional administration of Rosenergo-Zhizn Insurance Company, limited liability company;

No. OD-152, dated 21 January 2016, on suspending the insurance licence of Diamant Insurance Company, limited liability company;

No. OD-153, dated 21 January 2016, on suspending insurance and reinsurance licences of BASTION-LINE INSURANCE COMPANY, limited liability company;

No. OD-154, dated 21 January 2016, on cancelling the reinsurance licence of ROSLES Re LLC.

The Bulletin publishes a notice of the state corporation Deposit Insurance Agency on the results of trading through public offer of the property of the Non-governmental pension fund General Pension Fund.

The Bulletin presents weekly general data on financial market sectors, as well as Bank of Russia information notices.

Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 7 publishes the following official documents:

Bank of Russia Regulation No. 508-P, dated 3 December 2015, ‘Sectoral Standard for Accounting for Reserves — Provisions and Contingent Liabilities by Non-credit Financial Organisations’ (becomes effective 1 January 2017; to be used by microfinance organisations, credit consumer cooperatives, housing saving cooperatives from 1 January 2018, and by agricultural credit consumer cooperatives and pawnshops from 1 January 2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3880-U, dated 4 December 2015, ‘On Amending Clause 1.3 of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 422-P, Dated 11 June 2014, ‘On the Procedure for the Bank of Russia to Qualify a Payment System as a Nationally Important Payment System’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication in the Bank of Russia Bulletin);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3939-U, dated 18 January 2016, ‘On the Non-application of Individual Regulations of the Federal Securities Commission of Russia’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication in the Bank of Russia Bulletin);

Bank of Russia Information Letter No. IN-015-55/3, dated 20 January 2016, on providing registrars with extracts from the unified state register of legal entities.