OREANDA-NEWS. PJSC TATNEFT continues developing advanced technologies for reservoir pressure maintenance (RPM) aimed at reducing energy costs and increasing production efficiency.

The Company continues working on the protection of the downhole equipment of injection wells against high pressure and corrosion, as well as comprehensive optimization of the RPM process. 198 new injection wells were put into operation in PJSC TATNEFT during 2015 with the plan being fulfilled by 111.2 per cent.

The dual injection technology was implemented in 75 injection wells, while the total number of the wells where this technology had been introduced  since the beginning of the technology application amounted to 715 wells and the volume of  additional oil production resulting from   the dual injection operations  amounted to 1,798.1 thousand  tonnes.

In order to protect the downhole equipment of injection wells against the effects of high pressure and corrosion damage the Company continued implementing the program  to protect production casing of the injection wells under which there were 523 injection wells equipped with leak proof packers. The total number of injection wells equipped with various design packers amounted to 6,726 wells today accounting for 69.2 percent of the existing stock of injection wells.

As part of the efforts to optimize energy consumption in the RPM system there were domestic positive displacement pumps of 500 m3/day capacity introduced at Oil and Gas Production Divisions  "Elkhovneft" and "Bavlyneft"  in 2015.