OREANDA-NEWS. January 20, 2016. MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Public Limited Company (“MOL”) hereby informs the capital market’s participants on the basis of an agreement concluded today with UniCredit Bank AG (“UniCredit”) that the option rights regarding 5,380,496 MOL Series “A” Ordinary shares (“Shares”) under the share option agreements concluded between UniCredit and MOL on 27 January 2015 are expected to be cash settled in respect of all the Shares on 12 February 2016. The strike price of the options is USD 41.43762.

Simultaneously MOL and UniCredit concluded a new share option agreement regarding up to 5,380,496 Shares. As a result of the new share option agreement, MOL will acquire American call options and UniCredit will acquire European put options on 12 February 2016. The maturity of both the call and the put options is 11 months, such maturity being subject to yearly extensions, up to a maximum of two extensions of one year each.

The number of options, if any, to be physically settled based on the 27 January 2015 dated agreements, and the final number of Shares which are subject of the new call and put options, as well as the strike price of both the call and put options, will be defined based on data available as of 10 February 2016 and the capital market’s participants will be informed of those figures and prices.

Currently MOL directly and indirectly owns 1,530,080 “A” Series and 578 “C” Series MOL Ordinary shares.