OREANDA-NEWS. 590,133 tons of finished products in the form of uranium compound suspension (yellow cake) were shipped in 2015 to Rosatom's TVEL Fuel Company. This is 12 tons more than in 2014. The production plan of Dalur was achieved by 100.02%. 

The plan for 2016 will be 591 tons of uranium. This requires penetration of new reserves, so next year 321 wells are to be constructed on Khokhlovskoye and Dalmatovskoye fields. In 2015, 205 wells were constructed.

It is important that at the end of 2015, the cost of uranium production decreased by 3%. "First and foremost, this was achieved through implementation of Rosatom Production System projects ". This can be regarded as the merit of all our team. In particular, implementation of the project "Process management in the construction of operational units" helped save 13.7 million rubles. For 2016 we have developed four promising RPS projects, the key one is the "Reduction of process time in penetration and preparation of uranium resources". We have very ambitious goals, being not only to reduce the time to build, but also to gain economic benefit in the amount of 23 million rubles,"- said general director of the company Nikolai Poponin.

One of the important goals 2016 is the commencement of pilot development of associated scandium mining project at uranium deposits in Kurgan Oblast, including design and installation of the relevant equipment on site. The annual output of scandium may reach 10 t. Scandium rough concentrate is to be transferred together with uranium to Rosatom’s TVEL companies for use in the nuclear industry.

Another significant project in 2016 will be the introduction of the latest downhole equipment for direct in-situ discovery of uranium. The equipment and method have been certified by Rosstandart. The project has been designed and will be implemented under the guidance of Rusburmash with involvement of the leading research organizations (VNIIA VNIIgeosystem NGO Geologorazvedka).