On release of the Bank of Russia Bulletin (1/18/2016)
OREANDA-NEWS. The Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 2 (1720) dated 18 January 2016 has been released.
The section CREDIT INSTITUTIONS contains a review of key indicators of the November 2015 domestic foreign exchange cash market.
Contained therein are also Deposit Insurance Agency State Corporation communications addressed to Dil-bank (LLC), JSC RUSSTROIBANK, LLC Vneshprombank depositors.
The section OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS publishes:
Bank of Russia Instruction No. 169-I dated 26 October 2015 ‘On the Procedure for Bank of Russia Licence Issuance to Exchange Houses and Trading Systems and the Licence Register Administration Procedure’ (to be become effective following 10 days of its publication in the Bank of Russia Bulletin);
Bank of Russia Instruction No. 170-I dated 11 November 2015 ‘On the Procedure for Bank of Russia Licencing of Clearing Operations and the Licence Register Administration Procedure’ (to be become effective following 10 days of its publication in the Bank of Russia Bulletin).
The section Deposit Insurance Agency contains ‘Changes to the Procedure for Placement of the Russian Federation Asset Contribution to the Deposit Insurance Agency State Corporation Assets, to Subordinated Liabilities and Preferred Shares in Banks’.