RusRating assigns reliability rating to OOO Aton
OREANDA-NEWS. RusRating has assigned a reliability rating to OOO Aton. The rating is "AAA" on the national scale and "A-" on the international scale, in both cases with a stable outlook.
The rating is based on the support of the international Aton financial group; a solid position among market leaders; a significant client base, positive reputation and successful experience in the securities market; and effective management.
Constraining factors include systemic risks.
OOO Aton [trs. Aton LLC] is a leading Russian investment company and one of the oldest in the country: it was founded in 1991 by Company President Yevgeni Yuriev. The Company forms part of the Aton group, an international financial holding that offers international, institutional, corporate and private investors the full range of investment banking services. It is a member of NAUFOR (the National Association of Securities Market Participants) and has a substantial market presence in terms of total turnover, brokerage turnover, portfolio size, and the volume of securities issues organised or co-organised on behalf of both domestic and non-resident issuers. The Company’s team is highly professional and enjoys a positive reputation in the securities market, where it has many years’ experience.
Assets consist mainly of financial investments and cash holdings. Most financial investments take the form of shares or foreign currency deposits, while cash balances are held in foreign currency or other special-purpose accounts. Own funds fully satisfy regulatory requirements but appear highly volatile. Almost all external liabilities take the form of short-term borrowed funds or accounts payable. More than half of the borrowed funds are client resources, while the remainder are loans backed by a foreign currency loan to an affiliated company. Accounts payable reflect obligations under trading contracts and are moderately concentrated by individual client. Risk sensitivity is moderate.