OREANDA-NEWS. Merck, a leading science and technology company, announced today that it has relaunched its PTE app, a free interactive periodic table of the elements. After more than one million downloads of the previous version, an update is now available that has been improved based on user feedback.

As a company that stands for innovation, Merck is making the periodic system, one of the building blocks of science, comprehensible to everyone and accessible to curious explorers.

With a new design, more functions and improved features, the new app is now even better suited to user needs. Apart from the periodic system, which allows digital and interactive research, it offers features such as information on the individual elements, visualized element properties, well as a molar mass calculator. It is available in four languages via an improved interactive user interface. In addition, the contents of the app are now also available offline. The user-friendlier app has been modified to include more data sets, easier navigation as well as the elements 113-118. The data sets can now be updated separately from the app.

With its PTE app, Merck is providing an interactive and free tool for people interested in chemistry. The Merck PTE app invites everyone, whether school students or professors, laypeople or professional technicians, to experiment. The user experience has been considerably enhanced by more information on the elements, visualization and interactive features.