Schaffner Holding AG: Agenda for the 20 th Annual General Meeting on 12 January 2016
OREANDA-NEWS. Schaffner Holding AG: Agenda for the 20 th Annual General Meeting on 12 January 2016.
1. Approval of the Management Report, the Financial Statements, the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2014/15 and acknowledgement of the Auditors’ Reports
2. Resolution on the appropriation of retained earnings, allocation out of share premium (reserves for additional paid-in capital) to free reserves from additional paid-in capital and distribution (exempted from Swiss anticipatory tax) from free reserves from additional paid-in capital
a. Appropriation of retained earnings (TCHF 20,732)
b. Allocation out of share premium (reserves for additional paid-in capital) to free reserves from additional paid-in capital and distribution (exempted from Swiss anticipatory tax) from free reserves from additional paid-in capital of CHF 6.50 per share entitled to dividends
In case of approval of the proposal, the distribution of CHF 6.50 net per each share entitled to a divided will be paid out from 19 January 2016.
3. Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board
4. Changes to the Articles of Association
4.1 Changes to the Articles of Association in connection with the Ordinance Against Excessive Compensation at Listed Companies (OAEC)
a. Statutory provision related to activities outside the Schaffner Group
b. Statutory provision related to the authorization of the maximum aggregate amount of compensation
4.2 Reduction of conditional share capital by CHF 449,150 from CHF 1,040,000 to CHF 590,850
4.3 Creation of authorized share capital in the maximum amount of CHF 2,066,805
4.4 Changes to the Articles of Association in connection with the new accounting law and editorial changes
5. Elections
5.1 Re-elections members of the Board of Directors
a. Re-election of Daniel Hirschi as a member of the Board of Directors for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
b. Re-election of Herbert B?chler as a member of the Board of Directors for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
c. Re-election of Gerhard Pegam as a member of the Board of Directors for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
d. Re-election of Suzanne Thoma as a member of the Board of Directors for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
e. Re-election of Georg Wechsler as a member of the Board of Directors for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
5.2 Re-election of Daniel Hirschi as Chairman of the Board of Directors for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
5.3 Re-elections members of the Compensation Committee
a. Re-election of Daniel Hirschi as a member of the Compensation Committee for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
b. Re-election of Herbert B?chler as a member of the Compensation Committee for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
c. Re-election of Suzanne Thoma as a member of the Compensation Committee for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
5.4 Re-election of Dr. iur. Wolfgang Salzmann, attorney-at-law and notary public, Solothurn, as Independent Proxy for a term until the end of the following Annual General Meeting
5.5 Election of BDO AG, Solothurn, as Auditors of the Company for the fiscal year 2015/16
6 Compensations
a. Consultative vote on the Compensation Report for the fiscal year 2014/15
b. Approval of the maximum aggregate amount of compensation of the members of the Board of Directors of CHF 600,000 until the following Annual General Meeting
c. Approval of the maximum aggregate amount of compensation of the members of the Executive Board of CHF 4,000,000 for the fiscal year 2016/17