OREANDA-NEWS. December 17, 2015. Total sales in the electronic communications sector have steadily increased in all three quarters of this year. In the first two quarters the growth rate of this indicator was 7,5% and 0,7% accordingly and in the third quarter – 1,17% and reached 1 billion 800,9 million lei, shows the report of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) on the development of electronic communications market in the third quarter of 2015, which was published on ANRCETI’s official website. In nine months of 2015, the cumulative volume of sales increased over the same period of 2014 by 3% and reached 5 billion 245 million lei.

The report provides an analysis of the following market segments: mobile telephony, dedicated access to mobile Internet, fixed telephony, fixed Internet, data transmission, broadcasting and retransmission of audiovisual programs and other activities in the electronic communications sector.

The increase of revenues in the third quarter of this year was driven by increased sales on most market segments, except two: broadcasting and retransmission of audiovisual programs, other activities in the electronic communications sector. In the first case, the sales decreased compared to the third quarter of 2014 by 5% and totaled 84 million lei, while in the second case – by 20,9% and totaled 129,6 million.

According to ANRCETI report highest revenue growth rates – 16,9% and 11,3% – occurred on the markets for mobile Internet dedicated access (via modems/cards/USB) and for fixed Internet access, where the sales reached 87,2 million lei and respectively 262,3 million lei. The sales on the market for data transmission services grew by 10%, up to 15,3 million lei, on the fixed telephony market – by 2% up to 257,2 million lei, the mobile market – by 1,4% and exceeded 965,2 million lei.

Like in the first two quarters of 2015, in the third quarter the most significant average monthly revenue per user (ARPU) was recorded on the markets for fixed Internet access and dedicated mobile Internet access: 167,7 lei, and 98,4 lei accordingly. The value of this indicator on the mobile telephony market was 73,9 lei, on the fixed telephony market – 71 lei, pay TV market (IP TV and cable TV) – 45,8 lei.

The reports on quarterly evolution of electronic communications market are developed by ANRCETI based on statistical data, submitted by providers. The reports are available on ANRCETI official website www.anrceti.md, Section “Statistical Data/Market Evolution”.