OREANDA-NEWS. December 17, 2015. The Paris agreement marks the beginning of a new journey to limit climate change. We welcome the long term agreement, which looks at many key aspects of climate change. We stand firm behind the commitment on emission reductions to hold the increase of temperature below 2°C and the commitment to make further efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C.

During these two weeks we have seen countries working together, taking input from businesses and civil society. We are pleased to see that a strong, long term commitment has been made. We will continue to invest in renewable energy and to transform our business, with the confidence that governments are also committed to building a low carbon economy, regardless of the domestic political changes.

We particularly welcome the inclusion of the five year review process to track progress and set new and more ambitious targets as we move forward. Only long-term and bold targets can accelerate the transformational change needed to tackle climate change.
The years to come are crucial on the implementation of the agreement, and we as a business will commit ourselves to support these efforts to tackle climate change. This will be done in close cooperation our business partners, NGO’s and civils society in order to promote the transition to a clean economy, and to offer our customers the opportunity to live a more sustainable life at home.