OREANDA-NEWS. Projects of TATNEFT Company won the contest "50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan" in 2015.

The following projects of TatNIPIneft were named winners in the category "Start of Innovations":

- "Self-sealing casing cup packer" (ZSMP) (R.I. Kateev, T.M. Gabbassov, Russian Federation patent No. 2488685);

- "Method and apparatus for isolating well drilling trouble zones  by profile liners with cylindrical portion in a single round-trip operation using a hydraulic jack and punches (A.V. Kirshin, G.S. Abdrakhmanov, N.Kh. Khamityanov, A.S. Yagafarov, V.P. Filippov, N.N. Vildanov, Russian Federation patent Nos. 2483190, 2495220, 2522360);

- "Technology of hydraulic fracturing in the horizontal wellbore" (O.V. Salimov, I.Kh. Makhmutov, R.Z. Ziyatdinov, V.G. Salimov, Russian Federation patent No.2547892).

The winners in the same category also include:

- Joint project of the Technical Department and Engineering Center of PJSC TATNEFT “Suite of automated information systems to support the development and management of innovative activities of the enterprise, introduction of advanced technologies and equipment" (E.M. Sayfeeva, S.N. Gritsishin, V.V. Stolyarov, E.V. Khloptsev, F.U. Arislanova, I.M. Murtazin, L.R. Sabirov, N.P. Larionova, L.V. Zinoviev, Computer Program Certificate Nos. 2015610702, 2015611065, 2015611066, 2015611067);

- Project of NGDU "Yamashneft" "Apparatus for increasing functional reliability of the wellhead equipment” (S.T. Fatkhullin, R.Kh. Saetgaraev, P.V. Fil'kin, A.A. Nurgaliyev Russian Federation patent No.150447).

The project of NGDU "Almetyevneft" "A well study method" (R.M. Minnullin, N.G. Ibragimov, A.F. Zakirov, R.R. Vildanov, R.S. Mukhamadiyev, Russian Federation patent No. 2384698) was among the winners in the nomination "Socially important innovation". 

There are two projects of NGDU "Elkhovneft" in the nomination "Best Invention of the Year" among the winners.

- "A method for determining oil-saturated formations" (G.L. Musayev, R.S. Khisamov, A.D. Khalimov, N.A. Nazimov, L.I. Torikova, Russian Federation patent No. 2517730);

- "A method for determining the oil well water cut" (R.R. Aflyatunov, A.G. Khabibrakhmanov, I.Z. Chupikova, L.Z. Mordagulov, Russian Federation patent No. 2520251).

The project of NGDU "Bavlyneft" "A method of developing a low permeabile oil reservoir through horizontal wells with maintenance of the reservoir pressure" (R.G. Khannanov, R.S. Khisamov, V.V. Akhmetgareyev, Russian Federation patent No. 2526430)  was the winner in the same category.

There had been 2,273 applications filed to participate in the XIth Republican contest of innovative ideas organized by the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan jointly with the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic.

Competitive procedures of applications submitted were carried out under the following nominations: "Start of Innovations", "Innovations in Education", "Youth Innovation Project", "Important Innovations", "Perspective", "Best Invention of the Year", "Nanoimpuls", "Projects of the innovative Russian Regions Association".

The annual contest "Fifty best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan" is aimed at stimulating innovative activities of scientists, inventors, engineers and technical workers, graduate students and students, as well as creating conditions for the introduction of new perspective technologies into the economy of the Republic, as well as development of knowledge-intensive industries in order enhancing the competitiveness of products of the Republic of Tatarstan.