NRA: FIA-BANK's Credit Rating Withdrawn; Exit Rating Of 'BB+' Assigned 1929
FIA-BANK (member bank of the Deposit Insurance System and holder of a banking license No. 2542 and a precious metals license issued by the Central Bank of Russia) was founded on Oct. 25, 1993 in the town of Engels, Samara Oblast. Currently, the bank's key shareholders are Alexander S. Nosorev, chairman of the bank's supervisory council, holding 80% of the bank's common shares, and the Sweden-based East Capital Financials Fund AB (holding 20% of the bank's common shares).
In addition to its head office in Togliatti, FIA-BANk operates three branches in Moscow, the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic and Simferopol (the Republic of Crimea), as well as 17 back-up offices, five service outlets and one office not equipped with a POS terminal. FIA BANK's customer base is still dominated by corporate entities, including gold-mining, construction, leading, agricultural and food-processing companies and enterprises. The bank attempts to offer a comprehensive range of services to its corporate customers, including salary accounts, loans, cash management, as well as retail banking services to their personnel.
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