OREANDA-NEWS. December 10, 2015. Have you flipped on the TV, turned on the radio, or basically set foot outside your house since Halloween? If so, I’m sure you’ve noticed … THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE!

And yes, while it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of seasonal sales and gingerbread lattes, this time of year is really about making time for yourself and others.

By allowing yourself time to focus on your own well-being and the happiness of those around you, you’ll be able to enter the new year feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on the world. (After you sleep off that New Year’s Eve champagne hangover, of course).

Here are a few ways Salesforce employees are finding peace for themselves and spreading joy to others this season, and ideas that will (hopefully) inspire you to do the same.

Find Peace

take time for yourself

Calm Your Mind: From gift-giving to party-planning, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed during the holidays … which makes it even more important to focus on your mental well-being. At Salesforce headquarters, we offer employees bi-weekly meditation classes year-round. To bring more zen into your life, try this 5-minute breathing meditation from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation, whose members visited Salesforce this fall.

Get Moving: While it’s tempting to curl up on the couch with a pint of eggnog, exercising will help you stay healthy and happy throughout the season. Our employees participate in a 2 Million Miles Challenge, where we run, walk, bike, and swim as a team to crush our yearly goal. No matter how you like to move, schedule time on your calendar for regular exercise. Need a little motivation? Sweat it out to this Salesforce playlist.

Declutter and Destress: Simplifying your lifestyle and getting rid of things you don’t need will help unclutter your home, your desk, and your mind (do you really need all those old VHS tapes?). Our Earthforce employee resource group encourages employees to consume less and donate more, but it’s easy for us all to do our part. Take a few hours to go through your closet and donate any items you don’t need to others who do … it’s a win for everyone!

Spread Joy

give back to your community

Volunteer Your Time: Many organizations need help this time of year, so connect with a cause you care about. Salesforce employees get 6 paid days off every year to volunteer through our 1/1/1 model, which dedicates 1% of our time, equity, and profit to benefit communities around the world. Other amazing companies have taken the 1% pledge with us. Want to get your company involved? Learn more here.

Give Gifts That Give Back: Still have holiday shopping to do? We hear ya. So why not spend those dollars in ways that actually help others? Salesforce.org matches employee monetary donations up to \\$5,000 each year, and also encourages our people to buy products that serve a purpose. For ideas, check out this list of charitable companies that give back.

Show Your Appreciation: Thank your friends, family, and coworkers for everything they’ve done throughout the year. At Salesforce, employees publicly thank peers on Chatter, our internal social network, by gifting fun badges like “You’re Awesome” and “Crushed It!” Whether you send a card or make a phone call, make the effort this season to show your loved ones how much they are appreciated. After all, a little peace and joy goes a long way.

Feeling inspired? The Salesforce Ohana is growing, and we’re looking for passionate people to join our family. Learn more and find opportunities at salesforce.com/careers.