OREANDA-NEWS. December 10, 2015. Your customers are moving fast and expect a litany of choices for how they can answer questions and receive information about your product or service. Businesses are increasingly turning to communities to engage with their customers and create a rich, personalized service experience. You no longer have to wait for months and waste precious developer hours to get a community up and running. With Community Cloud, you can get started now. Our online community puts information, apps, and experts at your fingertips.

How eWAY Slashed Support Cases in Half — and Boosted Customer Satisfaction

Australian company eWAY provides a safe, reliable, frictionless online payment gateway to help businesses worldwide grow and thrive. Built on a commitment to personal service and support, eWAY now handles a rapidly growing market share of online payments in Australia. With such enormous growth, eWAY needed service capabilities that stayed ahead of the growing customer base’s expectations — that means providing self-service options available at any time and with any device.

With two separate systems for customer care and service and no easy way for customers to find answers to their questions online, eWAY’s support desk was backed up with emails and phone calls. The company needed a solution for customers to be able to help themselves, and each other, find answers to their simpler questions, that way agents could be free to tackle the more complex cases.

With Community Builder and Templates from Community Cloud, eWAY created a completely customized and mobile-optimized community, no coding or IT required, in just four days. In addition to a secure, reliable, and scalable online community, eWAY also easily included third-party or custom apps that are helpful to its customers.

Now eWAY’s customers can find answers to their questions quickly and easily and eWAY’s support staff is more attuned to its customers than ever, so the team can deliver targeted help to those who need it. Within one day after deploying the customer community, eWAY’s average support cases were reduced by 50% and the average response times for customer inquiries was reduced by over 75%.

To learn more about how your business can learn from eWAY and start empowering your customers with a community, join Matt Bullock, CEO of eWAY, in a free webinar: “eWAY Delivers World-Class Customer Service with Community Cloud.” Sign up now!