Due to bad weather in the service area IDGC of Centre reminds of the need to follow the rules of behaviour near electric grid facilities
It is required to strictly follow safety rules near electrical installations and power lines. It is strictly forbidden to approach broken power lines closer than 8 metres, to perform independent work to restore electricity supply.
If you find a fallen power line pole, broken or sagging wires:
1. Do not go come close either to the pole or to the wire.
2. Immediately notify via the around the clock direct telephone line of power engineers of IDGC of Centre at 8-800-50-50-115
3. Calmly report the problem, name the address, where you found the fallen pole or broken wire, and your contact phone number.
4. If you have the opportunity, do not leave the scene, do not let people passing by approach the place with the fallen pole or broken wire. Wait for the arrival of a crew with power engineers.
For all issues related to the power outage, please call the around the clock direct telephone line of power engineers at 8-800-50-50-115.
Please, be reminded that on 7 December in the Smolensk, Bryansk and Tver regions, as a result of the passage of the cyclone, accompanied by strong winds with gusts up to 24 m\s, on the territory of the Tver, Smolensk and Bryansk regions there were recorded individual technological violations at electric grid facilities of the company. In some cases, on there were broken overhead power lines and cross whipping of wires, damage to insulation. As a result there were power failures for consumers. If there was technical capability the power supply was quickly restored to consumers with backup schemes as soon as possible. Currently, IDGC of Centre has completed the restoration of electricity supply to consumers whose power supply was interrupted.