IDGC of Centre contributes to the development in the rural areas of the Voronezh region of a network of primary health care
In the course of the grid connection works of medical stations in time the existing sections were increased and new sections of 0.4 kV power lines were constructed. The total volume of connected capacity amounted to over 0.5 MW.
In addition, under the grid connection support service specialists of Voronezhenergo carried out work within the competence of the applicant: electricity meters were installed, suspension of overhead lines with modern self-supporting insulated wire from the balance participation boundary point to buildings of the medical stations was performed.
"Thanks largely to responsible attitude and well-coordinated work of our specialists, all activities on the connection were completed on time. Power engineers in the future are also willing to participate in such an important and necessary business as providing power supply of primary health care, thus contributing to the implementation of programs to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care for the population," stressed IDGC of Centre - Voronezhenergo division director Ivan Kleymenov.