Relevant information and community involvement key to helping Burundi adapt to climate change
OREANDA-NEWS. December 01, 2015. Situation: The Burundian economy is driven by an agriculture sector which accounts for just over 30 percent of GDP and employs more than 90 percent of the population. Climate change is expected to greatly threaten the sector as crop productivity is slowed due to the disappearance of the traditional short-dry season. By 2050, rainfall patterns are likely to be altered such that there will essentially be two six month seasons, one rainy season lasting from November to April and a dry season covering May to October.
In addition to losses in agricultural production resulting from the absence of the short rainy season and harnessing of marshes during the long dry season, as climate change progresses, a gradual decrease in the yields of corn, beans, and sweet potatoes—principal food crops in Burundi—is expected. Pastoral vegetation, the quality and quantity of fodder, the duration of the season of vegetable growth, the animal productivity and water quality are also likely to be affected.
Objectives: Since 2010, AfDB in partnership with the Global Environmental Facility has worked to integrate relevant information on climate change, including variability, into national and sub-national decision-making processes for better awareness, preparedness and adaptation, through enhanced capacity of the population to adapt to climate change and reduce vulnerability. It therefore worked to address these needs through investment in relevant climate smart activities; building capacities of communities and relevant line ministries, to increase the availability of accurate weather information; and involving communities to help them better understand and cope with the different threats, and the planning necessary to adapt to climate change.
Unique Project Features: The project provides a sound example of how a sustainable green growth strategy can contribute to food security by strengthening the resilience of agricultural and forestry systems