OREANDA-NEWS. During the first half of the financial year 2015/16, contacts with potential buyers of portfolio companies were intensified, with the goal to realize a first sale in the current financial year.

The claims from New Value AG against the former members of the Board of Directors, the former auditing company and the bank involved were sold in order to secure the long-term continuity of this legal case. This also helped in strengthening the financial situation of the company as this sale resulted in an immediate cash in-flow for New Value AG. The contract is designed such that New Value AG will participate with a substantial share in the future proceeds from any agreement or court proceedings. The first payments from this sale of claims resulted in a profit for the first half year of the financial year 2015/16.

The equity value, equivalent to the Net Asset Value (NAV) of New Value AG, amounted to CHF 8.85 million as per 30.09.2015 (CHF 8.55 million as per 31.03.2015). The NAV per share rose from CHF 2.63 at the beginning of the period to CHF 2.69. New Value AG reported a total profit of CHF 0.24 million for the first six months of 2015/16, compared to a loss of CHF 0.3 million in the previous year in the same period. The profit per share amounted to CHF 0.07.

About New Value
New Value AG, which is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, invests directly in private companies with strong growth potential in Switzerland and neighbouring countries. New Value AG provides growth capital to promote innovative business models and supports the companies to market success. The companies included in the portfolio are mainly related to the cleantech and healthcare sectors.