TATNEFT Took Part in International Exhibition
The popular annual anniversary forum, held in the National Exhibition Centre of Turkmenistan “Sergi kosgi”, brought together the representatives of 80 oil/gas and service companies from 36 countries, including Russia, the USA, Great Britain, Germany, China, France, UAE, Japan, Malaysia, etc.
On its premises the "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan" exhibition, which covers all aspects of exploration, production, storage, transportation, distribution and processing of oil and gas, brought together the leaders of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, international oil/gas and service companies, equipment manufacturers and financial institutions.
Traditionally the event was organized by the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan and other organizations of the oil and gas industry, as well as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.
The display exposition of PJSC TATNEFT included new engineering developments of the Company in the construction of complex architecture wells, including the construction technologies of multilateral horizontal wells, sidetracking with application of a “KOT” whipstock, as well as the local well casing equipment.
In the section "Crude oil production" the Company's professionals presented the technologies of dual completion and production (DCP) chain drives (CD) for the wells with downhole sucker-rod pumping units. Application of chain drives provides for significant savings in specific energy for the liquid lifting. The equipment also provides for reducing dynamic loads, specific metal quantity per structure, the costs of transportation, installation and maintenance.
The workover and enhanced oil recovery section included the information on application of EOR methods at the Company’s fields, as well as the results of the hydraulic fracturing technology application.
The section of crude oil refining and sale of oil and petroleum products demonstrated the progress of the TANECO Oil Refining and Petrochemical Plants Complex construction project. Today, the refinery Complex is a full-fledged participant of the crude oil refining industry in Russia and produces highly competitive, environmentally friendly products.
The range of PJSC TATNEFT’s showpieces also included the products manufactured by JSC TANECO, as well as the products of OOO "PD Tatneft Alabuga Steklovolokno", as well as the products manufactured by OOO “Tatneft-PressComposit”, corrosion-resistant pipes produced by the Bugulma Mechanical Plant of PJSC TATNEFT, local well casing equipment, etc.
TATNEFT Company was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan for participation in the exhibition arrangements.