Technical managers of PJSC "Rosseti" discussed the results of the preparation for the autumn-winter 2015/2016 operation period
Opening the meeting, Alexander Faustov thanked his colleagues for the quality preparation for the current autumn-winter operation period and the timely receipt of certificates of readiness. He noted that in some regions of Russia a period of peak demand is coming, therefore, all subsidiaries should be ready as maximum as possible for first responding and restoration operations at electric grid facilities.
Currently, PJSC "Rosseti" has 4 regulatory documents that rule the obligatory availability of emergency reserve and special vehicles with companies, training of first responding and repair teams, their equipment, transport logistics and cooperation between subsidiaries, branches and offices. As technical experts noted in their reports, precise coordination of measures for the prevention and elimination of failures contributes to systematic performance improvement. This is confirmed by the consolidated operating performance of the Group "Rosseti" for 9 months of 2015: compared to the same period last year specific failure rate at electric grid facilities of subsidiaries is 29% lower, 26% less - the number of technological failures, the average duration of interruptions in the power supply reduced by 13%. Today, the national average power restoration time in homes of Russians is within 4 hours.
"We worked through all the technical issues that arose during the preparation for winter maximum temperatures to take into account these details in the next year. Our goal is continuous improvement in performance of the Group Rosseti, and as a result - reliable operation of the electric grid complex of the country," stressed Alexander Faustov.
During the meeting the technical heads visited the Konakovskaya hydro power plant, where they got acquainted with the work of one of the largest in Central Russia generators of electric energy.