Fitch Reviews Chile's Largest Banks
OREANDA-NEWS. Fitch Ratings has completed its review of Chile's four largest banks. As a result of the review, Fitch has affirmed the National ratings of Banco Santander Chile (SAN), Banco de Chile (BCH), Banco Estado (BECH) and Banco Credito e Inversiones (BCI). In addition, Fitch has affirmed the long-term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) and Viability Ratings (VRs) of SAN, BECH and BCI. Finally, the Fitch revised the Rating Outlook on BCI's long-term IDRs and National long-term rating to Positive from Stable.
A detailed list of all rating actions follows below. For more information on each individual bank and its bank holding companies' (BHC) rating drivers and sensitivities, please refer to the respective press releases published along with this one.
Fitch has affirmed the following ratings:
Banco Santander Chile
--Foreign and local currency long-term IDRs at 'A+'; Outlook Stable;
--Foreign and local currency short-term IDRs at 'F1';
--Viability rating at 'a+';
--Support rating at '1';
--Support rating floor at 'A-';
--Long-term national rating at 'AAA(cl)'; Outlook Stable;
--Short-term national rating at 'N1+(cl)';
--Senior unsecured bonds at 'A+' and national long-term rating at 'AAA(cl)';
--Mortgage Covered Bonds national long-term rating at 'AAA(cl)';
--Subordinated bonds national long-term rating at 'AA(cl)';
--National equity rating at 'Primera Clase nivel 1'.
Banco de Chile
--Long-term national rating at 'AAA(cl)'; Outlook Stable;
--Short-term national rating at 'N1+(cl)';
--Senior unsecured bonds national long-term rating at 'AAA(cl)';
--Subordinated bonds national long-term rating at 'AA(cl)';
--National equity rating at 'Primera Clase nivel 1'.
Banco del Estado de Chile
--Foreign currency long-term IDR at 'A+'; Outlook Stable;
--Local currency long-term IDR at 'AA-'; Outlook Stable;
--Foreign and local currency short-term IDRs at 'F1';
--VR at 'bbb';
--Support rating at '1';
--Support rating floor at 'A+';
--Long-term foreign currency senior unsecured bonds at 'A+';
--Long-term national rating at 'AAA(cl)';
--Short-term national rating at 'N1+(cl)';
--National long-term rating senior unsecured bonds at 'AAA(cl)';
--National long-term rating on its subordinated bonds at 'AA(cl)'.
Banco de Credito e Inversiones
--Foreign and local currency long-term IDRs at 'A-'; Outlook changed to Positive from Stable;
--Foreign and local currency short-term IDRs at 'F1';
--Viability Rating at 'a-';
--Support Rating at '1';
--Support Rating Floor at 'A-';
--Long-term foreign currency senior unsecured bonds at 'A-';
--Long-term national rating at 'AA+(cl)';
--Short-term national rating at 'N1+(cl)';
--National long-term rating senior unsecured bonds at 'AA+(cl)';
--National long-term rating on its subordinated bonds at 'AA-(cl)';
--National equity rating at 'Primera Clase Nivel 1'.