KazMunaiGas Exploration Production announces financial results of operations for nine months of 2015
OREANDA-NEWS. KazMunaiGas Exploration Production JSC (Astana), whose shares are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press-release:
"...JSC KazMunaiGas Exploration Production ("KMG EP" or "the Company") announces condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the nine months ended 30 September 2015.
Net profit for the first nine months of 2015 was 138bn Tenge (US$703m1) compared with 242bn Tenge (US$1,357m) for the same period in 2014. A decline in net profit was largely due to lower revenue after the oil price decline which was partially offset by a gain related to the increase in the Tenge/USD rate".