SSE joins the ‘Commit to Action’ climate change campaign
- Setting a science–based emission reduction target (represented by SSE’s ongoing commitment to reduce the carbon intensity of its electricity generation by 50% by 2020 - using a 2006 baseline);
- Putting an internal price on the cost of carbon and using this as part of its ?1.5bn a year investment decision making;
- A public commitment to responsible engagement on climate policy making; and
- A commitment to transparent reporting of climate change related information in mainstream corporate reporting (SSE already discloses a broad range of carbon and water data through its annual corporate reporting and CDP submission – see /beingresponsible/reportinganddata)
SSE is now one of over 200 influential global companies that have demonstrated their support for the transition to a low-carbon economy, in response to the threat of climate change, by joining the ‘Commit to Action’ business campaign platform.
Martin Pibworth, SSE’s Managing Director, Wholesale said: “SSE knows it has an important role to play in helping address the potential impacts of climate change and in particular helping the transition to a less carbon intensive energy system.
“At the heart of responding to the challenge of climate change is the recognition that there is an inherent cost from emitting carbon. We need a robust global mechanism for creating a price for carbon, and I hope the UNFCCC negotiations in Paris in December delivers a solution which exceeds current expectations.
“But in the meantime business can and should demonstrate their support for this by doing more than just cheering from the side-lines. By signing up to the ‘Commit to Action’ campaign and making these four bold commitments, SSE is making clear to governments and policy makers that it supports the creation of a robust, global, carbon policy framework beyond 2020.”
Throughout 2015, We Mean Business and CDP are offering the world’s largest companies a platform to act and be recognized for leadership on climate change. By committing to the innovative and practical climate initiatives We Mean Business has convened, SSE joins other major global brands in sending a powerful message of business leadership to governments and key stakeholders that will help scale low-carbon solutions and tackle climate change.
“Companies making this commitment are taking the first step toward aligning their emissions reduction targets with climate science, helping account for their fair share of global emissions and keeping ahead of future policy,” said Nigel Topping, CEO of We Mean Business.
“Science-based target setting drives the innovations needed to transition to a low-carbon, sustainable economy. These targets help improve companies’ bottom lines by creating new business models and sources of value – and they set an example for policy makers to follow.”