AS Capitalia unaudited interim consolidated financial statements for 3rd quarter of 2015
OREANDA-NEWS. In the third quarter of 2015 JSC Capitalia reported turnover of EUR 389 thousands and the total asset size of EUR 2,126,039. Compared to the previous quarter, the total asset size of the company has not changed, which is result of started cooperation with crowdfunding platform Mintos. Through Mintos JSC Capitalia is selling and servicing to retail investors loans that the company has originated.
Under ALTUM co-financing program JSC Capitalia has issued financing to over 65 companies, which indicates that enterprises in Latvia are in need of state co-financing products offered by the company. Unfortunately, respective state institutions do not display any interest of continuing this program hence JSC Capitalia will end issuing loans with government co-financing in the December of 2015.
Capitalia is the leading nonbank financing provider for small and medium enterprises in the Baltic States. To date Capitalia has financed more than 500 enterprises investing over EUR 10m in start-up, expansion and restructuring capital.