The Belarusian Railway will participate in OSJD annual meeting on freight transportation
The following issues are to be considered at the meeting: improvement of the Agreement on the unified transit tariff (ETT), Agreement on the international railway transit tariff (MTT), Agreement of the use of freight wagons in international traffic (PGV), Harmonized system code (GNG), arrangement of container transportation on Europe – Asia route, cooperation on ESCATO UN-OSJD projects, competitive abilities and marketing. Besides, the participants will negotiate and approve a draft report “On the results of freight transportation activities of OSJD Committee in 2015, develop a draft decision of the XXXI meeting of the General Directors (authorized representatives) Conference on freight transportation activities, consider and approve a draft work plan of OSJD Committee for 2016.
OSJD was established in 1956 at the meeting of the railway transport ministers in Sofia (Bulgaria). The Ministers Conference is the highest governing body of OSJD. The General Directors Conference governs OSJD activities at the level of national railways. The executive bodies are 5 commissions, permanent and temporary working groups. OSJD consists of 28 member-states: Azerbaijan, Albania, Afghanistan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, DPRK, Cuba, Kirgizia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Estonia. Besides, there are observers: German Railways (DB AG), French Railways (SNCF), Railways of Greece (OSE), Finnish Railways (VR), Serbian Railways (ZS), Gy?r–Sopron–Ebenfurth (GySEV), JSC, FPK, JS (affiliate of JSC RZD).
OSJD develops international agreements and treaties regulating international cargo and passenger traffic on Europe – Asia route and deals with economic, financial, operational and technical issues with regard to the railway transport.