Uralkali invests more than RUB 1.9 billion in power supply facilities at Ust-Yayva mine

OREANDA-NEWS. Uralkali has started the construction of permanent power supply facilities at the Ust-Yayva mine. Three electrical substations will be built — Raketa, Obogatitel, and Stroganovskaya — and the Sibir substation, which currently supplies electricity to Berezniki-3, will be renovated. Upon completion, Stroganovskaya will become the main electrical station with voltage of 220kV, and Raketa, Obogatitel, and Siberia will be connected to it with voltage of 110kV each. The Raketa substation will supply electricity to the underground complex of the Ust-Yayva mine, and the Obogatitel substation will supply the ground-level complex. Uralkali plans to invest RUB 1.9 billion in the project and it is envisaged that the permanent power supply system at Ust-Yayva will be launched in 2017.
About the project:
The development of the Ust-Yayvinsky block at the Verkhnekamskoye deposit includes the construction of a new mine comprising two shafts. Shaft construction started in 2012 and the mine will produce its first ore in 2020. The ore from Ust-Yayva will be transported to the Berezniki-3 plant via a 6.3km conveyer belt. The Ust-Yayva mine will enable Uralkali to replace the depleting ore reserves of the Berezniki-2 mine (2 million tonnes of KCl per annum) and increase the capacity of Berezniki-3 by 0.5 million tonnes of KCl per annum. The Company is investing a total of approximately US$ 1.2 billion in the Ust-Yayva project.
Uralkali is one of the world’s largest potash producers and exporters. The Company’s assets consist of 5 mines and 7 ore-treatment mills situated in the towns of Berezniki and Solikamsk (Perm Region, Russia). Uralkali employs ca.11,000 people (in the main production unit). Uralkali’s shares and GDRs are traded on the Moscow Exchange and London Stock Exchange, respectively.