The Manufacturer, UK: Cognizant’s Head of Innovation for Manufacturing and Logistics Says the Connected Car Provides an Opportunity to Understand Driver Characteristics and Needs
“The various players in the automotive industry are transforming their businesses into digital enterprises, evolving from being pure automobile manufacturers to technology suppliers and system integrators.
Technology providers and car manufacturers are already working closely together to enable this shift. There are many opportunities that the connected world offers, not least the emergence of autonomous vehicles.
A digitally connected life imitates our current mindsets, behavior and societal expectations, by allowing us to communicate and interact with others via our devices and the social networks they connect us to.
Monetization opportunities exist, if they can take demographic tastes and needs into consideration, and apply these to the vehicles for their drivers. Therefore, targeting the right demographic is key in many industries, including manufacturing.
What the connected car provides is yet another opportunity; namely to understand driver characteristics, their needs and the features they might appreciate, through the sensors delivering data for analysis through modern technology.
Armed with this data insight, the right vehicle with relevant connected features can be offered to specific demographic segments—creating a personalized driving experience.”