Fitch: Mexican Securities Firms Challenged by Market Volatility
In Fitch's opinion, profitability among these securities firms is very sensitive to market condition due to their reliance on revenues generated by fixed income and equities trading. However, these entities have been reducing these income streams, including those originated by their proprietary positions, and increasing more stable revenues mainly by fees from asset management products.
Fitch considers that capitalization and leverage levels are adequate and aligned with the risk appetite framework and balance sheet usage of these securities firms. Repos are the main source of funding, and liquidity risk is mitigated by the access to sufficient facilities granted by banks and the high percentage of marketable securities within their portfolios.
Fitch also emphasizes that given their business model, securities firms are often exposed to operational, litigation and reputational risks. However, these companies have adequate operational risk infrastructure, are highly regulated, have been strengthening their processes and controls and have quickly adapted their technological platforms to comply with local regulations and international best practices
The 'Mexican Securities Firms Dashboard' is available on Fitch's website at ''.