OREANDA-NEWS. Public Joint Stock Company “Insurance Company “Universalna” (located at the address: 9 Lesi Ukrainky Avenue, 01133, Kyiv) herewith informs on convocation of Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company on October 28, 2015 at 12.00 pm. at the address: 9 Lesi Ukrainky Avenue, 01133, Kyiv, conference room. The registration of participants for the General Meeting of Shareholders will be on October 28, 2015 from 11.00 am to 11.50 am the place of the meeting. To be registered for the meeting the participants must have the identity document or power of attorney for participation in the meeting (for representatives of shareholders). The record date is October 22, 2015, 24.00 pm.


 The list of questions submitted to a vote

 (Agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company): 

1. On election of the Counting Commission of the General meeting.

2. On election of the Chairman and Secretary of the meeting, defining the procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

3. On approval of contracts with the first owners in the process of private placement of shares.

4. On approval of the private placement results.

5. On approval of the private placement report.

6. On amendments to the Charter connected with the increase of the authorized capital of the Company, taking into account the results of shares placing.

 According to the Art. 36 of the Law of Ukraine "On Joint Stock Companies" and cl. 9.4.1 of the Charter, the Company shall provide the shareholders with an opportunity to review the documents required for taking decisions on the agenda issues, and draft(s) decisions of the agenda by sending them per mail at the written request of the shareholder that should obligatory contain the name of the shareholder if it is a legal entity or surname, name and patronymic of the shareholder if it is a physical person, the number (type) of shares owned, and the extract from the securities account of the shareholder issued by the custodian as of the date of the written request.

 The mentioned documents and draft(s) decisions shall be made available to the shareholder (stated in his written request) or transferred to the shareholder on the appropriate data storage device provided by the shareholder, at the location of the Company (9 Lesi Ukrainky Avenue, 01133, Kyiv, conference room) or by sending them to the e-mail address specified by the shareholder in his written request.

The person responsible for the review of documents and materials which can be available during the preparation to the General Meeting is the Head of Legal Department Andrey Semergej.

On the issues of the General Meeting of the Company please call at: (044) 2816150 (internal - 213) in business days from 10.00 am to 13.00 pm.