Schibsted launches CSR site
OREANDA-NEWS. Social responsibility has always been a natural part of Schibsted – from great journalism, through our marketplaces around the world to new and groundbreaking smart digital services. We are now launching a new website on to tell the story about how we care.
Schibsted Media Group is present in more than 30 countries around the world with thousands of employees serving nearly 200 million users. An important cornerstone of our business is our mission of "Empowering people in their daily life” – which is something we try to live up to every day. Simply put – we care about our users and our own people. And we care about the world around us.
We do not only embrace new technology and invest in innovative solutions to improve society – through high quality journalism, by connecting people in online marketplaces, by shifting the power to consumers through transparent marketplaces. Through our many classified sites we also enable people to live more environmentally friendly by engaging in second-hand trade.
"There are many great examples of stories, innovations and initiatives that we are proud of and we have gathered a collection of those in a new website dedicated to tell the story about all of us and how we can do good for both society and environment," says Lena K Samuelsson, EVP Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility at Schibsted Media Group.
"We truly believe that we can make a difference and that we have a great social impact, together with our users. In times like these it feels even more important to be transparent and give voice to different sides of the good work that we do throughout Schibsted," says Lena K Samuelsson.