Heads of the Tambov and Kostroma regions and four districts of the Kursk region praised the interaction system of power engineers of IDGC of Centre with public authorities
Expressing gratitude to General Director of IDGC of Centre Oleg Isaev, Alexander Nikitin said that the stable supply of electricity to polling stations was successfully achieved by adopting by the Tambov branch of IDGC of Centre organizational and technical measures, increasing the control over work of power grid facilities of the Tambov region throughout the period of the election campaign.
The 2015 elections were an important event in the political and social life of the region. Having exercised their Constitutional right, with the free will citizens determined further progress in the Tambov region, said the text of the letter of gratitude.
Acting Kostroma Region Governor Sergey Sitnikov also expressed his thanks for providing reliable and uninterrupted power supply to polling stations of the Kostroma region on the single day of voting. In the letter of gratitude he noted the high professionalism, responsibility and level of organization of the work of the team of IDGC of Centre - Kostromaenergo division.
Heads of four districts of the Kursk region: Kerenevsky district, the municipality of "Kotovsky Village Council", the municipality of "Besedinsky Village Council" also sent their letter of gratitude to the power engineers of IDGC of Centre.
"The holding of elections is an important political event in our region. The specialists of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division took comprehensive measures in order to ensure the work of the polling stations, election commissions with uninterrupted power supply," said Head of Rylsky district of the Kursk region A. Lisman in the letter of gratitude.