IBA Group marks Knowledge Day with IBA Eco City festival
OREANDA-NEWS. On September 12, IBA Group held a festival to mark Knowledge Day and celebrate Minsk City Day. More than 1500 guests gathered at the IBA Eco City festival in Minsk, Belarus. IBA Group invited the company's employees and their kids, disadvantaged children from the Social Pedagogical Center of Minsk's Soviet District, and representatives of the children's supplementary education centre Svetoch (Luminary).The program of the event was tailored for children of different age and included a variety of interactive events.
IBA Eco City was divided into quarters where educational and entertainment events were conducted for various age groups and according to the schedule. For easier orientation, every guest received the IBA Eco City map and the program of the festival.
At the event, the visitors were able to appear before the footlights during a number of interactive theatrical performances, play music, paint, compose hip–hop music, participate in chemical experiments, and learn more about ecology at special lectures.
The family–friendly section of the city offered fine art projects, tunnels and labyrinths, a movie hall, a concert played on the musical instruments made of secondary raw materials, as well as master classes in cooking, sand drawing, face painting, land art, eco city development, and capoeira.
The youngest participants of the festival enjoyed crafting of various articles from naturally occurring material, moulding, and learning alternative methods of drawing. Eco–planetarium, schools of eco–fashion and parachute jumping for kids were among the most popular places of interest in IBA Eco City.
In addition, the center for eco–exchange of batteries to apples functioned in IBA Eco City. The idea of safe disposal of batteries was supported by the guests who filled a 20–liter container with used batteries by the end of the festival.
Representatives of IBA Group congratulated the first graders with the beginning of their first year at school and presented gifts and special medals. All kids received balloons and souvenirs from IBA Group.
IBA Group hopes that the eco–knowledge that kids received during the festival will serve as a basis for further study of environment and its protection.