Imports of passenger cars for 7 months fell more than 2 times in Russia
Imports of trucks in January-July fell by 74.9% to 10.7 thousand cars with a total value of 46.489 billion dollars. Among them it was imported 9.7 thousand trucks worth 233.2 million dollars from foreign countries, the rest about 1,000 vehicles worth 231.6 million dollars - from the CIS countries.
Export of passenger cars from Russia for seven months of 2015 decreased by 24.2% and it was 58.2 thousand units for a sum of 636.6 million dollars. Therewith, it was sent 3.4 thousand passenger cars worth 79.2 million dollars to foreign countries, to the CIS countries - 54.8 thousand vehicles worth 557.3 million dollars.
Exports of trucks fell by 5.7% - up to 9.9 thousand vehicles worth 241.2 million dollars. To foreign countries it was delivered 2.6 thousand trucks worth 119.9 million dollars, to the CIS countries - 7.3 thousand vehicles worth 121.3 million dollars.