OREANDA-NEWS. Seasonally adjusted GDP rose by 0. 4 % in both the euro area (EA1 9 ) and the EU28 during the second quarter of 201 5 , compared with the previous quarter, according to a second estimate published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union . In the first quarter of 201 5 , GDP grew by 0. 5 % in both areas . Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, seasonally adjusted GDP rose by 1 . 5 % in the euro area and by 1. 9 % in the EU28 in the second quarter of 201 5, after + 1 . 2 % and +1. 7 % respectively in the previous quarter. During the second quarter of 201 5 , GDP in the United States in creased by 0. 9 % compared wi th the previous quarter (after + 0 . 2 % in the f irst quarter of 201 5 ). Compared with the same quarter of the previous year , GDP grew by 2. 7 % (after +2. 9 % in the previous quarter).

GDP growth by Member State GDP increased in all Member States for which data are available for the second q uarter of 201 5 , except France where it remained stable. The highest growth compared with the previous quarter was recorded in Latv i a (+ 1.2 % ) , Malta (+1.1 % ), the Czech Republic , Spain and Sweden ( all + 1 . 0 % ), followed by Greece and P oland ( both + 0.9 %), Slova kia (+0. 8 %) , Estonia , Croatia , Lithuania , Slovenia and the United Kingdom ( all +0. 7 %). The lowest growth rates were registered in the Netherlands , Austria and Romania ( all + 0. 1 %) .

GDP components and contributions to growth During the second quarter of 201 5 , household final consumption expenditure rose by 0. 4 % in both the euro area and the EU28 (after + 0. 5 % and +0. 6 % respectively in the previous quarter). Gross fixed ca pital formation declined by 0. 5 % in the euro area and 0.1% in the EU28 (after +1 . 4 % in both zones ). Exports rose by 1 . 6 % in both the euro area and the EU28 (after + 1 . 0 % in both zones ). I mports increased by 1 . 0 % in the euro area and by 0 . 8 % in the EU28 (after + 1 . 5 % and +1. 6 %). Household final consumption expenditure had a positive contribution to GDP growth both in the euro area and the EU28 (+0. 2 and +0.3 percentage points) . Gross fixed c apital formation had a negative contribution to GDP growth in the euro area ( - 0.1 pp) and was neutral in the EU28 ( 0. 0 pp) . The contribution of the external ba lance to GDP growth was positive for both zones , while the contribution of changes in inventories was negative .