IDGC of Centre attracts non-tariff sources of core activity funding, implementing results of R&D projects
To implement the plan submitted IDGC of Centre has chosen a scheme to enter into licensing agreements with manufacturers of specialized products. This option is effective from a marketing standpoint, since it allows to expand the list of buyers due to consumers with whom the manufacturers had already established contacts. The first such agreement to provide for remuneration of a non-exclusive license for the use of steel multifaceted poles was signed by the company in early June of this year with LLC "SevZapRegionStroy" - "Gidromontazh". In late July it was approved by Rospatent and entered into force. In accordance with the agreement LLC "SevZapRegionStroy" - "Gidromontazh" will produce and sell steel poles, and IDGC of Centre will receive percentage of the amount of their sale. The funds will be spent, in particular, on the reimbursement of expenses for research and development.
Steel multi-faceted poles are one of the recent developments of IDGC of Centre, the company received the patent in February 2014. Compared with conventional reinforced concrete and wooden poles, they are far more reliable and durable (lifetime of steel poles is about 50 years, concrete - 36, wooden - 25), lightweight, compact, and as a result - more economical. This makes them popular among companies of the electric grid complex. Practice shows that domestic manufacturers are ready to meet the demand of power engineers. In addition to LLC "SevZapRegionStroy" - "Gidromontazh", IDGC of Centre signed a license agreement granting a non-exclusive license to use steel poles with LLC "Alfa-Tech". Currently, the document is waiting for registration in Rospatent.
Steel multi-faceted poles are not the only "know-how" of IDGC of Centre, which is of interest to manufacturers of equipment for the electric grid complex. The company developed and actively implemented the concept of the design and construction of power lines with pole-mounted transformers of 6-10/0.4 kV (PMTS). Compared to existing at the market pole-mounted transformer substations, PMTS of IDGC of Centre have a simple and reliable design that allows for their installation on the pole without specialized lifting equipment. Application of PMTS reduces the length of low-voltage lines and thereby decreases transmission losses, improves the reliability and quality of electricity supply to consumers. Moreover, experience shows that the construction of overhead lines with pole-mounted transformer substations significantly increases the grid capacity and the possibility of grid connection of new consumers in the expanding settlements.
LLC "Urussinsky Electromechanical Plant" has decided to buy from IDGC of Centre a non-exclusive license, which implies the production and sale of this type of equipment in exchange for percentage of sale. Currently, the contract is being registered in Rospatent. In addition, the company is working to conclude similar agreements with PG "Transformer" and OJSC "Minsk Electrotechnical Plant named after V.I. Kozlov".
IDGC of Centre conducts systematic work on the formation of additional non-tariff sources of financing of its activities, taking into account the current macroeconomic situation and acting in the Russian fuel and energy sector since last year restrictions on tariff sources of funding. Its purpose is to compensate the funds spent on projects, including in the area of ??innovation. This approach promotes economic efficiency, full performance of key financial and operating indicators of the Company.