OREANDA-NEWS. „ Taking into consideration the geopolitical reality, a further diversification of sales markets increasingly is a priority. During 2015 and subsequent years company plans to continue all efforts targeted at implementation of new products, entering new markets, making a little more emphasis on cooperation with other producers in distribution of their products on CIS and other markets. After the end of the reporting period, the exports were commenced to Mongolia, registration processes in Turkey and other countries are successfully continuing. More attention is being paid to possible acquisition of a company, whose sales markets or products are significantly different ours, which would help us expand our sales geography,” says Valerijs Maligins, Chairman of the Board.

During the six months period the company has made provisions of more than 1.5 million euros for receivables and currency risks.

During the first half of 2015 Company’s sales grew in Russia, Latvia, The Netherlands, where the anti-tuberculosis products is shipped for the needs of the World Health Organization (WHO), Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Lithuania and other markets, while in Ukraine, Belarus, UK and Uzbekistan they shrunk. In general, the sales split between countries has remained relatively unchanged, and reduction of Russia’s share from 37% to 34% is really the only significant development.  In total, during six months of 2015, AS Olainfarm was selling its products to 37 countries on five continents.

During the reporting registration processes have been launched in Bosnia And Herzegovina; Vietnam, Myanmar; GMP audit by Turkish authorities has been passed, allowing the company to proceed with registration in Turkey.. New forms have been developed for Gripoflex 325 (with reduced content of paracetamol), ACC 200mg powder, and lactose free Memantine tablets of 10mg and 20mg. The work continues at development of new combined prolonged activity form of nitrofurantoin. Two new food supplements have been developed and registered in Baltic countries with urological and hepatological application.

Annual meeting of shareholders of A/s “Olainfarm” held on June 11, 2015 approved operating plan of the Group for 2015.  According to it, sales of the Group in 2015 are planned to be 100 million euros, but the net profit will reach 15 million euros.  According to this unaudited report for 1st half of 2015, during the first six months 50% of annual sales target and 62% of annual profit target is met.

Condensed Consolidated Statement of  Financial Position Group
    30.06.2015 31.12.2014
    EUR '000 EUR '000
Intangible assets           19 876           18 848
Property, plant and equipment           36 645           34 674
Financial assets             4 122             4 234
  TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS           60 643           57 756
Inventories           19 666           18 693
Receivables           33 148           28 219
Cash             1 854             2 055
  TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS           54 668           48 967
TOTAL ASSETS         115 311         106 723
Share capital           19 719           20 041
Share premium             2 504             2 504
Reserves                322                     -
Retained earnings           59 768           50 492
Non-controlling interests                  12                    8
  TOTAL EQUITY           82 325           73 045
Non-current liabilities    
Borrowings             8 453           10 387
Deferred corporate income tax             1 811             1 640
Deferred income             2 722             2 099
  Total Non-Current Liabilities           12 986           14 126
Current liabilities    
Borrowings             6 973             6 906
Trade payables and other liabilities           12 452           12 227
Deferred income                575                419
  Total Current Liabilities           20 000           19 552
  TOTAL LIABILITIES           32 986           33 678
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES         115 311         106 723


Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Group Group
  Q2 2015 Q2 2014 6M 2015 6M 2014
  EUR '000 EUR '000 EUR '000 EUR '000
Net revenue        23 045        25 249        50 069        48 563
Cost of goods sold         (8 052)         (7 684)       (16 242)       (15 271)
Gross Profit        14 993        17 565        33 827        33 292
Selling expense         (6 433)         (6 689)       (13 552)       (13 151)
Administrative expense         (4 092)         (3 880)         (8 218)         (7 873)
Other operating income             736             484          1 328             981
Other operating expense         (2 076)         (1 587)         (3 702)         (2 001)
Share of profit of an associate               23               71               95               93
Financial income             268             156          2 258               82
Financial expense              (55)              (74)            (111)            (894)
Profit Before Tax          3 364          6 046        11 925        10 529
Corporate income tax            (738)            (996)         (2 510)         (1 679)
Deferred corporate income tax              (21)             182            (135)               59
PROFIT FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD          2 605          5 232          9 280          8 909
Other comprehensive income for the reporting period                  -                  -                  -                  -
Total comprehensive income for the reporting period          2 605          5 232          9 280          8 909
Total comprehensive income attributable to:        
The equity holders of the Parent Company          2 605          5 272          9 276          8 926
Non-controlling interests                 -             (40)                 4             (17)
Basic and diluted earnings per share, EUR            0.18            0.37            0.66            0.63