OREANDA-NEWS. Mazda Motor Corporation today published the Mazda Sustainability Report 2015 in Japanese and Annual Report 2015 in English and Japanese on the company's official website. The English version of the Sustainability Report will be published in September.

The Sustainability Report 2015 outlines Mazda's corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and achievements*1 for the fiscal year ended (FYE) March 2015. The Annual Report 2015 features management information and financial news.

Mazda Sustainability Report 2015 Annual Report 2015
Mazda Sustainability Report 2015 Annual Report 2015

Highlights of the Sustainability Report 2015

  • In Top Message, Mazda's Representative Director, President and CEO Masamichi Kogai discusses his views on CSR and introduces some CSR activities that link to the company's business strategy as well as recent revisions to Mazda's Corporate Vision.
  • A special feature entitled "New Demio/Mazda2 - Embodies the Mazda Brand" focuses on Mazda's attempts to shatter preconceptions about the compact class and advance its global production footprint.
  • The report outlines Mazda's CSR activities during the FYE March 2015 in line with the company's CSR Targets.*2
  • To enhance the credibility of disclosed figures, the report includes social data (employee data and incident rate) and environmental data (CO2 emission volumes at the four major production bases in Japan) independently verified by a third party.
  • Mazda Sustainability Report 2015 Social Contribution Version will be published at the same time. It focuses solely on Mazda's social contribution activities (in Japan and overseas).

Highlights of the Annual Report 2015

  • In Message from Management, President and CEO Masamichi Kogai looks back at FYE March 2015, explains the progress in the Structural Reform Plan and outlines Structural Reform Stage 2 announced in April 2015. Additionally, Akira Marumoto, Representative Director and Executive Vice President, explains Mazda's approach to strengthening its financial base and achieving "qualitative growth."
  • A special feature introduces the key initiatives of Structural Reform Stage 2 aimed at achieving qualitative growth and brand value improvement.
  • Review of Operations section introduces achievements and sales initiatives in Japan, North America, Europe, China and other markets.

Mazda began serious efforts towards implementing Brand Value Management in 2013. Both the Sustainability Report and Annual Report illustrates activities, organizations and people of Mazda as it work towards becoming a brand that enriches people's lives through a variety of touch points and builds a special bond with its customers.

Mazda's Sustainability Reports and Annual Reports can be downloaded from the company's global website.

  • *1 Mazda's CSR initiatives are divided into the following six categories; Customer Satisfaction, Environmental Protection, Social Contribution, Respect for People, Compliance and Information Disclosure
  • *2 Mazda's CSR Targets were formulated in 2013 based on core subjects of ISO26000 (Organizational governance, human rights, labor practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development)
  • *3 The full report for 2015 is available for download in Japanese now. A Japanese digest version/corporate profile featuring highlights of the full report and the Social Contribution edition will be available in both printed and online format in September. The full report and the Social Contribution edition in English will be available online in September, and the English digest version/corporate profile will be available in October in both printed and online formats.
  • *4 Both the English and Japanese versions available only in online format.