OREANDA-NEWS. August 28, 2015. Huawei today announced that it has worked with BT to launch the United Kingdom’s first large-scale customer trial of G.fast. Paving the way for wider G.fast commercial deployment, the trial sees the technology build upon BT’s existing FTTC infrastructure and help the operators deploy ultra-broadband networks more quickly and economically.

The G.fast trial located in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, has been deployed using Huawei's latest multi-port G.FAST temperature-hardened and waterproof equipment installed in a manhole. In addition to G.fast equipment, Huawei also provides a full end-to-end solution, including a headend optical line terminal (OLT), G.fast terminal, and a network management system. Another key enabler for this technology is the remote power solution which Huawei has provided for this trial as well as the commercial deployment of fiber to the remote node (FTTRN). With this, the need to deploy fiber to the home is mitigated and users can obtain the same ultra-broadband services experience as fiber, to enjoy applications such as multiple 4KTV streams.

Huawei continues to invest in the innovation of G.fast technology, and has made remarkable achievements since it launched the world's first G.fast prototype in December 2011. In October 2013, Huawei collaborated with BT to launch the world's first G.fast pre-standard field trial, greatly accelerating the technical standardization and development of the industry. Huawei is also a significant contributor to the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector’s (ITU-T) G.fast standard organization since the G.fast standard was first published in December 2014.

Huawei's first G.fast commercial product has been tested or deployed by many operators. Moreover, Huawei is developing a series of G.fast products with different capacities and specifications to meet various operator needs in the global market. In addition to providing Gigaband networks based on different access media, Huawei is also developing of a variety of smart services such as smart home. Combined, these initiatives promote open cooperation in the industrial chain and lead the network towards a wider, faster, and smarter gigabit connection experience.