"GAZ Group" has started sale of vehicles "Gazelle Next» in Serbia
OREANDA-NEWS. "GAZ Group" has started sale of vehicles "Gazelle Next» in Serbia. Sale of the vehicles is implemented by a partner of "GAZ Group" - the company Verano Motors, which is part of one of the largest in the Balkans, trade and industrial groups Verano Group. By the end of the year sales of vehicles GAZ will begin in three countries of south-eastern Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia, informed the press service of "GAZ Group".
The line of vehicles produced by the Gorky Automobile Plant, deliveries of which were begun to the markets of the Balkan countries, includes trucks "Gazelle Next» with a-row cabin, cargo version with double cabin, as well as special equipment on their base. All models meet the environmental standards "Euro 5". Certification tests of "GAZelle Next» vehicles of ecological class "Euro-5" were held by the European Technical Service AT IDIADA (Spain). According to their results, it was confirmed compliance with the 43safety requirements of vehicles, received 113 international certificates.
In December of 2015, the Balkan countries is also planned to start sales of the new model GAZ - all-metal wagon "Gazelle Next». In addition to the cars of family Next, «GAZ Group" will deliver to the Balkan Peninsula the export modifications of all wheel-drive vehicles "Sobol" that are also equipped with engines "Euro-5".
"Start of sales in the Balkans - is, in fact, the first step of GAZ for the entering the European market. To do this, we come a long way: our engineers have created a new generation of vehicles "Gazelle NEXT», which for two years have become the most popular LCV in Russia, they have developed a version of the "Euro-5" for export markets and certified cars in the European Union. Now we have a lot of work to build brand awareness and loyalty to the GAZ brand among European consumers", - said the president of "GAZ Group", Vadim Sorokin.