Kapital Asset Management LLC’s Reliability Rating Affirmed At ‘AAA’
OREANDA-NEWS. National Rating Agency has affirmed its ‘AAA’ reliability rating on Kapital Asset Management LLC (Kapital AM LLC). The company was assigned NRA’s ‘AAA’ reliability rating on July 31, 2014.
The affirmation of the maximum achievable reliability rating reflects Kapital AM LLC’s status of a core company within Kapital Asset Management Group — an entity, maintaining its leading market position. The rating benefits from the company’s growing assets under management (AuM), increasing entity and consistent revenue generation. Kapital AM LLC’s business activities and customer base are well diversified. Additionally, the rating is supported by the company’s stable management team, good business standing and long track record of successful operations in the Russian stock market.
Kapital AM LLC has been in the investment trust management market since 1999. It is part of Kapital Asset Management Group, also in business since 1999 and now holding a leading position in the Russian personal/ corporate trust asset management market with total AuM of around RUB220 billion.
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